A message from the Holy Spirit of God comes through His bond servant Rt Revd Hon Francis Ejiroghene Waive (MHR). ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not’. Gal 6:9-10

According to Hon Francis Ejiroghene Waive, we are entering into a due season year. It is a year where God is going to show out in your life. Promises you’ve been believing God for are coming to pass this year. “Due season” implies the right time. That is, you will reap at the right time.

It is due or appropriate. And that time is 2025. Due season is God’s season, His appointed time, which is never too late nor too fast. It is the set time of favour (Psalm 102:13). Due means rightful, proper or fitting. A season is a period of time when something is best or available. You have had seasons of sowing.

According to Hon Francis Ejiroghene Waive, now is a season of reaping. There is a time for everything. There is a season for every activity under the heavens. There is a time to sow. There is a time to reap. Eccl 3:1-2. Paul’s warning to us is, “let us not be weary.” He continues and explains, “For in due season we shall reap.” Every harvest comes when it’s ready. A farmer can’t predict that all the time. It’s going to be ready when God says it’s ready.

We must remember that we don’t reap overnight. It’s the appointed time. God rewards you for your perseverance and faithfulness by unleashing the total manifestation of His will for your life. It is a special period. It is an appointed time. This is when we receive what we have expected. It is when we receive what is owed to us or rightfully belongs to us.

For those who live for the Lord, there is great and hopeful news. If they are careful that their lives glorify Christ, in due season, we will reap! You do not have to worry if God is going to recognize and reward your righteous living.

God promises He will.”Due time” is God’s time, when God knows we’re ready, not when we think we’re ready. The sooner we understand and accept that, the sooner God can work His plan in our lives. Let us not grow weary while doing good. In due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Notice that Paul tells us not to grow weary in doing good. In other words, we are not to give up. We’re to continue doing good. We’re to continue to pray, continue to worship, continue to believe, and continue to wait for our miracle. Too many times we want to stop… but it’s in our faithfulness that God is able to bless us.

Just think about that. What if you did give up? What does that get you? Probably nothing. The only sure way to fail is to give up. But your due season will come… If you don’t give up. You see there is a due season when you will reap what you have sown.

Everything in all of life has a specific time, and a due season. The word due means – something that rightfully belongs to you or something that is owed or expected to happen. The word season means – a special period or a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature. Remember Galatians 6 said that in due season we will reap. Well, in order to reap we must first have sown seed. You must have a sowing season before you have a reaping season. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

In the Amplified Bible due season means in due time and at the appointed season. In The New Living Translation it means at just the right time. You’re only fooling yourself if you think you will reap without sowing.

Your due season is about reaping what you have sown. For example: A farmer plants a seed in the ground. He expects “in due season” to receive whatever he planted. If he planted corn, he would get corn. If he planted apple seeds, he would get apples. If he planted watermelon seeds, he would get watermelons. And that seed of faith that you planted – that you’ve prayed for, believed for and waited for.

You will reap what you sow. That dream you prayed over, the one that God gave you. That you spent countless hours working on, that you have invested your life and finances into…those seeds will produce. That dream will come true.

You will reap what you sow. That person that hurt you. The one that you forgave. You just made a deposit of forgiveness in your heavenly bank account. Someone is going to show you the same forgiveness. You will reap what you sow. You will have what is owed you and what is rightfully yours…in due season as long as you’re asking according to God’s will.

Humility is key. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6, NIV). Doing good to our fellow men is also essential. The very next verse advises us, “Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone.” We should focus especially on those who belong to the household of faith. Gal 6:10. Not being tired, not giving up is part of the deal. The Apostle Paul says don’t lose heart, don’t grow weary, because you will reap in due season. Don’t back off. Trust God. Sow the good seed of the Gospel. 2025 Your due season is here. You will see progress where you were once stagnant.

You will see increase where you were once lacking. In this due season year God is going to cause things to fall into place. He is going to make things happen that you couldn’t make happen on your own. Keep believing. Keep confessing your faith. Keep expecting your breakthrough. It is your due season. Hon Francis Ejiroghene Waive noted ‘Okiemute!

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